3A70.35 • Damped Oscillations: Damped Motion
Photo shows the demonstration used at the University of Texas at Austin.
Concepts Conveyed:
- Underdamped oscillation: water
- Critically damped oscillation: oil (can be compared to motor oil in a car)
- Overdamped oscillation: aloe vera gel
- Different Q values in oscillation resulting from different viscosities.
Instructions / Notes:
- Release each mass with the bottom edge aligned with the top of the graduated cylinder.
Demo Staff:
- Be CAREFUL not to tip over the glass graduated cylinders.
- Clamp spring apparatus to table.
- Leave masses on table, not attached to the springs.
- Ensure that graduated cylinders are filled to 900 mL.
- After use, thoroughly clean masses to avoid potential damage, and put the caps back on the cylinders before storage.
Last updated on July 25, 2024